Use the Permguard CLI
The Permguard CLI provides a robust toolset for interacting with Permguard servers.
The CLI is designed for two primary scenarios.
- In the context of Permguard Server Administration: it enables the management of
,identity sources
, andledgers
directly on the remote server. This allows administrators to maintain and configure the system efficiently. - For developers, the CLI supports a complete Policy-as-Code Workspace. It facilitates the local development of configuration artifacts such as
, andpermissions
, integrating the essential toolchain required for the development lifecycle. These locally created artifacts can then be seamlessly applied to the remote server, ensuring a consistent and scalable approach to policy deployment across environments.
To view a list of commands available in the current Permguard version, users can run the permguard command without any additional arguments.
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The official Permguard Command Line Interface - Copyright © 2022 Nitro Agility S.r.l.
Permguard is an Open Source Multi-Zone, Multi-Tenant, ZTAuth* Provider.
Find more information at:
permguard [flags]
permguard [command]
Available Commands:
apply Apply the plan to the remote ledger
zone Manage zones on the remote server
authn Manage tenants and identities on the remote server
authz Manage ledgers on the remote server
checkout Check out the contents of a remote ledger to the local permguard workspace
clone Clone a remote ledger to the local permguard workspace
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
config Configure the command line settings
help Help about any command
history Show the history
init Initialize a permguard workspace
ledger Manage the ledger
objects Manage the object store
plan Generate a plan of changes to apply to the remote ledger based on the differences between the local and remote states
pull Fetch the latest changes from the remote ledger and constructs the remote state.
refresh Scan source files in the current workspace and synchronizes the local state
remote Manage remote server for tracking and interaction
validate Validate the local state for consistency and correctness
-h, --help help for permguard
-o, --output string output format (default "terminal")
-v, --verbose true for verbose output
-w, --workdir string workdir (default ".")
Use "permguard [command] --help" for more information about a command.
The output from your current version of Permguard may differ from the example provided on this page.
To obtain detailed help for a specific command, users can utilize the –help option alongside the relevant subcommand.
For instance, to access help information about the zones
subcommand, users can execute the following command:
permguard zones --help
It’s important to note that the output of the command line can be either in the default TERMINAL
format by setting the output flag.
For instance to list all zones in the default terminal format, users can execute the following command:
permguard zones list
To list all zones in JSON format, users can execute the following command:
permguard zones list --output json